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“I started out looking to elope in Prague. I came across this agency and worked with them for several months to cater to our needs. Everything turned out 10X better than I could ever dream of. The venue, the makeup, the hair, the music played at the wedding. Every restaurant they recommended were amazing! The photographer and the video photographer were a 10! I cry everyone I look at the video. I was a princess and it was all because of them. Fabulous group of beauties to work with. Not one thing went wrong. I wish I could repeat this every year. The value can’t get any better.”

Melanie & Steve

“Hi! Arrived back safely yesterday after a fantastic week! Just want to say Thanks again for your service and help! Everything went as we would have wanted!”

Ciaran & Evelina

“We miss you already! Frangelico was even joking that we will have to plan another wedding. Hahahaha but yeah, thank you so much for all your help and for always going the extra mile for us. It wouldn’t have been the success it was if it wasn’t for you. Our family and friends up to now still can’t get over the entire celebration. Everybody is still talking about it. We wish you more success. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

Reena & Frangelico

“Девочки! Спасибо вам еще раз огромное за все! Вы все потрясающие умницы, такой праздник нам сделали! Все в восторге от всего! Буду всегда вас помнить! Вы супер!”

Кристина & Константин

“ Позвольте выразить Вам, Александра, и Вам, Инна, ОГРОМНЕЙШЕЕ СПАСИБО за ВЕЛИКОЛЕПНУЮ, ПРЕВОСХОДНУЮ, НЕПОДРАЖАЕМУЮ, СКАЗОЧНУЮ свадьбу! Такого мы просто не могли себе представить! Свадьба – где улыбаются все и где нет места тревогам и переживаниям (только радостным волнениям), где весь день хочется светится и смеяться! Ваша работа заслуживает Оскара!!! Огромное спасибо всем тем, кто помог сделать наш день таким, каким он был!!! Низкий Вам поклон!!!”

Анна & Егор

“Хочу выразить благодарность наши организаторам Cosmopolites’ Wedding за наше мероприятие! Все прошло лучше, чем я представляла!”

Оксана & Алексей

“Dear Alexandra, I can’t tell you how happy we are to find you! Thank you so much for all your help and kind patience. We were also super satisfied with Inna’s assistances, she also made sure that everything goes well. Please tell to the restaurant that the menu was excellent and all of our guests left with a happy feeling!”

Nina & Daniel

“Thank you once again, Alexandra & your team! We had a very pleasant day! Deeply appreciate your help all the way!”

Annie & Poon

“Thanks for everything! We had a very memorable wedding day and everything was organized amazingly!”

Natasha & Jakob

“A dream wedding? Try with Cosmopolites’ Wedding! 🙂 Big THANK you Cosmopolites’ in Prague! Big THANK YOU, Alexandra!!!”

Dominika & Jan

“Thank you, Alexandra, for making it happen!!! You rock!”

Gretchen & Mike